Medication & Dentures

Did you know that certain medications can impact your dentures? It’s crucial to stay informed about how your medications may affect your oral health. Here’s a quick heads-up:
👄 Dry Mouth Meds: Some meds can lead to dry mouth, reducing saliva flow. Saliva is key for denture comfort and function.

💊 Antifungals: Watch out for meds treating fungal infections—oral flora balance can be affected, leading to issues like thrush.

🩸 Blood Thinners: Inform your dentist if you’re on these. They can increase bleeding risk during dental procedures.

🦴 Bone Health Meds: Treatments for bone conditions may impact the density of the bone supporting dentures.

🤕 Pain Meds: Follow dosage guidelines. Some may cause drowsiness or dizziness, affecting denture comfort.

🚨 Side Effects: Meds can have side effects impacting oral mucosa, leading to irritation or inflammation.

Encore Smile Design™ makes no representation or warranty with regards to any oral health suggestions stated herein. Always seek the guidance of your dentist or other qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your oral health. Encore Smile Design™ shall have no obligations except as stated in the Encore Smile Design™ Warranty.


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